There has never been a more important time to take a good look at your current home loan. Interest rates are at an all time low and mortgage lenders are all very keen to advance money to people, who in their eyes, can tick all the right boxes in their credit ratings. Other lenders have special arrangements in place for those, for whatever reason, are less fortunate . . .

Many of us are erring on the safe side and sticking with our long-standing home loan lenders, but is this the right thing to do? Well, the answer is, no-one knows! Everyone's circumstances are different, everyone has a particular need peculiar just to themselves and their lifestyles. What we do know, however, is that it never hurt to look and to shop around.

We are delighted to bring you a selection of some of the best products and home loan lenders on the market. Take a look - even if it is just to convince yourself that you have already made the right choice.

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Front Cover Images of iHome Loan Newsletter

iHome Loan Newsletter cover from 22 September, 2009
iHome Loan Newsletter cover from 06 July, 2009
iHome Loan Newsletter cover from 06 July, 2009
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